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brand, merchandising                     Brand image, graphic and product design


The 1st web platform that makes available to the consumer a wide range of brands and stores that offer clothes produced in an ethical and sustainable way. 


So you can buy and dress respecting your values.

And above all, you won't encourage exploitation in the textile sector by buying in fast fashion brands anymore.


Ethical Time is a global market for ethical and sustainable products. It is the alternative to the current universe of the textile industry. 


The textile industry is one of the most productive sectors in the world, one of the most polluting, and the one that contains leading production and supply chains in violations of human and labor rights. 


The goal is to make shopping more respectful of people, the environment and animals. A unique platform to unite all the small brands that are working responsibly.


This space connects them with thousands of people who are looking for a change, an alternative, a place to find products that match our values.

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